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1 | xXxRui_Alves1990xXx 20€ | 1,414% |
2 | VersuS27 17,5€ | 1,137% |
3 | cmcdl24 15€ | 1,073% |
4 | Lington 12,5€ | 1,069% |
5 | gui 27 10€ | 1,037% |
6 | Yoshi 10€ | 1,022% |
7 | Jorge70 10€ | 966% |
8 | Marciel 3x 10€ | 918% |
9 | H2A 10€ | 914% |
10 | evertonquel 10€ | 872% |
: 47448 | : 11646761 | : 278 |