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Lega Pro 2 2011/2012



Girone A
Sun 04.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Bellaria Igea 2-1 Virtus Entella Gam1
Sun 04.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Casale 4-3 San Marino Calcio Gam1
Sun 04.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Cuneo 1-1 Borgo a Buggiano Gam1
Sun 04.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Lecco 0-0 Valenzana Gam1
Sun 04.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Mantova 3-3 Giacomense Gam1
Sun 04.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Poggibonsi 2-2 Treviso Gam1
Sun 04.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Pro Patria 0-3 Santarcangelo Gam1
Sun 04.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Rimini 3-0 Sambonifacese Gam1
Sun 04.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Savona 1-0 Montichiari Gam1
Girone B
Sun 04.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Aversa Normanna 2-1 Perugia Gam1
Sun 04.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Chieti 1-0 Milazzo Gam1
Sun 04.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Fondi 2-2 Arzanese Gam1
Sun 04.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Gavorrano 3-1 Ebolitana Gam1
Sun 04.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Giulianova 1-0 Aprilia Gam1
Sun 04.Sep.2011 - 10:00 L'Aquila 0-0 Campobasso Gam1
Sun 04.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Melfi 0-0 Catanzaro Gam1
Sun 04.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Turris Neapolis 2-2 Vibonese Gam1
Sun 04.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Paganese 2-0 Celano Gam1
Sun 04.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Vigor Lamezia 1-0 Fano Gam1
Girone A
Sun 04.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Alessandria 2-1 Renate Gam1
Sun 11.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Borgo a Buggiano 2-1 Rimini Gam2
Sun 11.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Giacomense 2-0 Cuneo Gam2
Sun 11.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Montichiari 2-0 Poggibonsi Gam2
Sun 11.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Renate 0-0 Pro Patria Gam2
Sun 11.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Sambonifacese 0-2 Casale Gam2
Sun 11.Sep.2011 - 10:00 San Marino Calcio 2-2 Mantova Gam2
Sun 11.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Treviso 2-1 Savona Gam2
Sun 11.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Virtus Entella 2-1 Lecco Gam2
Sun 11.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Valenzana 2-0 Bellaria Igea Gam2
Girone B
Sun 11.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Arzanese 4-3 Gavorrano Gam2
Sun 11.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Campobasso 1-0 Giulianova Gam2
Sun 11.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Catanzaro 3-0 Turris Neapolis Gam2
Sun 11.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Celano 1-1 Vigor Lamezia Gam2
Sun 11.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Ebolitana 1-1 L'Aquila Gam2
Sun 11.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Fano 1-0 Melfi Gam2
Sun 11.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Isola Liri 4-0 Aversa Normanna Gam2
Sun 11.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Milazzo 0-2 Paganese Gam2
Sun 11.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Perugia 4-2 Chieti Gam2
Sun 11.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Vibonese 0-3 Fondi Gam2
Girone A
Sun 11.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Santarcangelo 0-1 Alessandria Gam2
Girone B
Wed 14.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Aprilia 0-2 Campobasso Gam3
Wed 14.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Gavorrano 2-1 Fano Gam3
Wed 14.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Giulianova 1-2 Arzanese Gam3
Wed 14.Sep.2011 - 10:00 L'Aquila 1-0 Vibonese Gam3
Wed 14.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Melfi 0-2 Perugia Gam3
Wed 14.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Turris Neapolis 0-0 Ebolitana Gam3
Wed 14.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Paganese 2-1 Isola Liri Gam3
Wed 14.Sep.2011 - 11:00 Aversa Normanna 1-0 Celano Gam3
Wed 14.Sep.2011 - 15:30 Vigor Lamezia 2-1 Milazzo Gam3
Thu 15.Sep.2011 - 11:30 Chieti 3-0 Fondi Gam3
Girone A
Sun 18.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Bellaria Igea 2-1 Casale Gam3
Sun 18.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Cuneo 4-1 Sambonifacese Gam3
Sun 18.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Lecco 1-2 Pro Patria Gam3
Sun 18.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Mantova 1-0 Renate Gam3
Sun 18.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Montichiari 1-2 Giacomense Gam3
Sun 18.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Poggibonsi 2-0 Virtus Entella Gam3
Sun 18.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Rimini 0-1 Santarcangelo Gam3
Sun 18.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Savona 2-1 Valenzana Gam3
Sun 18.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Treviso 2-0 San Marino Calcio Gam3
Girone B
Sun 18.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Arzanese 0-1 L'Aquila Gam4
Sun 18.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Campobasso 1-0 Aversa Normanna Gam4
Sun 18.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Celano 0-2 Gavorrano Gam4
Sun 18.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Ebolitana 1-2 Catanzaro Gam4
Sun 18.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Fano 1-2 Giulianova Gam4
Sun 18.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Fondi 0-1 Vigor Lamezia Gam4
Sun 18.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Isola Liri 2-2 Turris Neapolis Gam4
Sun 18.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Milazzo 0-0 Aprilia Gam4
Sun 18.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Vibonese 1-1 Melfi Gam4
Girone A
Sun 18.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Alessandria 1-4 Borgo a Buggiano Gam3
Girone B
Mon 19.Sep.2011 - 15:45 Perugia 2-1 Paganese Gam4
Girone A
Sun 25.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Borgo a Buggiano 0-1 Montichiari Gam4
Sun 25.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Casale 2-0 Lecco Gam4
Sun 25.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Giacomense 2-0 Savona Gam4
Sun 25.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Pro Patria 2-3 Cuneo Gam4
Sun 25.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Renate 0-1 Treviso Gam4
Sun 25.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Sambonifacese 4-0 Mantova Gam4
Sun 25.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Santarcangelo 2-3 Poggibonsi Gam4
Sun 25.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Valenzana 0-1 Rimini Gam4
Girone B
Sun 25.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Aprilia 0-0 Fano Gam5
Sun 25.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Campobasso 1-2 Perugia Gam5
Sun 25.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Catanzaro 1-1 Milazzo Gam5
Sun 25.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Gavorrano 2-0 Fondi Gam5
Sun 25.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Giulianova 1-0 Celano Gam5
Sun 25.Sep.2011 - 10:00 L'Aquila 1-1 Chieti Gam5
Sun 25.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Melfi 1-0 Ebolitana Gam5
Sun 25.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Turris Neapolis 1-1 Arzanese Gam5
Sun 25.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Paganese 2-1 Vibonese Gam5
Sun 25.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Vigor Lamezia 1-0 Isola Liri Gam5
Girone A
Sun 25.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Virtus Entella 2-1 Alessandria Gam4
Sun 25.Sep.2011 - 15:30 San Marino Calcio 2-0 Bellaria Igea Gam4
Wed 28.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Mantova 0-0 Virtus Entella Gam5
Wed 28.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Montichiari 2-1 Valenzana Gam5
Wed 28.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Poggibonsi 1-0 Pro Patria Gam5
Wed 28.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Renate 2-0 Sambonifacese Gam5
Wed 28.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Rimini 0-2 Casale Gam5
Wed 28.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Savona 1-0 San Marino Calcio Gam5
Wed 28.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Treviso 1-1 Borgo a Buggiano Gam5
Girone B
Wed 28.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Aversa Normanna 0-2 Giulianova Gam6
Wed 28.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Celano 1-5 Aprilia Gam6
Wed 28.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Chieti 1-2 Turris Neapolis Gam6
Wed 28.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Ebolitana 2-0 Campobasso Gam6
Wed 28.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Fano 1-2 Catanzaro Gam6
Wed 28.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Fondi 0-1 Paganese Gam6
Wed 28.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Isola Liri 1-0 Gavorrano Gam6
Wed 28.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Milazzo 0-1 L'Aquila Gam6
Wed 28.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Perugia 0-1 Arzanese Gam6
Wed 28.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Vibonese 0-0 Vigor Lamezia Gam6
Girone A
Wed 28.Sep.2011 - 10:00 Alessandria 1-2 Cuneo Gam5
Wed 28.Sep.2011 - 12:00 Lecco 2-2 Giacomense Gam5
Wed 28.Sep.2011 - 15:30 Bellaria Igea 0-0 Santarcangelo Gam5
Sun 02.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Cuneo 4-0 Lecco Gam6
Sun 02.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Mantova 1-2 Bellaria Igea Gam6
Sun 02.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Poggibonsi 0-1 Rimini Gam6
Sun 02.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Pro Patria 2-0 Borgo a Buggiano Gam6
Sun 02.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Sambonifacese 0-2 Savona Gam6
Sun 02.Oct.2011 - 10:00 San Marino Calcio 3-0 Giacomense Gam6
Sun 02.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Santarcangelo 3-1 Renate Gam6
Sun 02.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Virtus Entella 0-1 Montichiari Gam6
Sun 02.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Valenzana 0-3 Treviso Gam6
Girone B
Sun 02.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Aprilia 3-2 Vibonese Gam7
Sun 02.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Arzanese 3-2 Celano Gam7
Sun 02.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Campobasso 1-3 Fano Gam7
Sun 02.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Catanzaro 2-1 Chieti Gam7
Sun 02.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Gavorrano 1-1 Milazzo Gam7
Sun 02.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Giulianova 0-1 Perugia Gam7
Sun 02.Oct.2011 - 10:00 L'Aquila 0-0 Fondi Gam7
Sun 02.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Melfi 1-2 Isola Liri Gam7
Sun 02.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Turris Neapolis 2-1 Aversa Normanna Gam7
Sun 02.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Vigor Lamezia 1-1 Paganese Gam7
Girone A
Sun 02.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Casale 0-0 Alessandria Gam6
Sun 09.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Bellaria Igea 2-1 Cuneo Gam7
Sun 09.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Borgo a Buggiano 1-2 Mantova Gam7
Sun 09.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Giacomense 2-4 Casale Gam7
Sun 09.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Lecco 2-2 Poggibonsi Gam7
Sun 09.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Montichiari 0-2 Sambonifacese Gam7
Sun 09.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Renate 1-0 San Marino Calcio Gam7
Sun 09.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Savona 1-1 Virtus Entella Gam7
Sun 09.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Treviso 2-0 Pro Patria Gam7
Sun 09.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Valenzana 2-4 Santarcangelo Gam7
Girone B
Sun 09.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Aversa Normanna 2-1 Catanzaro Gam8
Sun 09.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Celano 0-2 Campobasso Gam8
Sun 09.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Chieti 1-1 Arzanese Gam8
Sun 09.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Fano 0-1 Ebolitana Gam8
Sun 09.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Fondi 1-1 Melfi Gam8
Sun 09.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Isola Liri 1-2 L'Aquila Gam8
Sun 09.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Milazzo 0-1 Giulianova Gam8
Sun 09.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Paganese 2-0 Aprilia Gam8
Sun 09.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Perugia 2-1 Turris Neapolis Gam8
Sun 09.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Vibonese 2-2 Gavorrano Gam8
Girone A
Mon 10.Oct.2011 - 15:45 Rimini 1-0 Alessandria Gam7
Girone B
Wed 12.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Aprilia 0-1 Perugia Gam9
Wed 12.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Arzanese 0-1 Vibonese Gam9
Wed 12.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Campobasso 2-1 Milazzo Gam9
Wed 12.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Catanzaro 1-0 Celano Gam9
Wed 12.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Ebolitana 0-1 Fondi Gam9
Wed 12.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Gavorrano 2-1 Chieti Gam9
Wed 12.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Giulianova 2-1 Isola Liri Gam9
Wed 12.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Melfi 0-0 Aversa Normanna Gam9
Wed 12.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Turris Neapolis 0-0 Vigor Lamezia Gam9
Wed 12.Oct.2011 - 15:30 L'Aquila 0-0 Paganese Gam9
Girone A
Sun 16.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Casale 0-0 Renate Gam8
Sun 16.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Cuneo 2-1 San Marino Calcio Gam8
Sun 16.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Lecco 1-1 Borgo a Buggiano Gam8
Sun 16.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Mantova 1-1 Savona Gam8
Sun 16.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Poggibonsi 1-1 Sambonifacese Gam8
Sun 16.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Pro Patria 0-0 Valenzana Gam8
Sun 16.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Rimini 2-1 Bellaria Igea Gam8
Sun 16.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Santarcangelo 3-2 Montichiari Gam8
Sun 16.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Virtus Entella 2-0 Giacomense Gam8
Girone B
Sun 16.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Aversa Normanna 1-1 Aprilia Gam10
Sun 16.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Celano 1-0 L'Aquila Gam10
Sun 16.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Chieti 2-1 Melfi Gam10
Sun 16.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Fondi 2-1 Turris Neapolis Gam10
Sun 16.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Isola Liri 0-0 Arzanese Gam10
Sun 16.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Milazzo 1-1 Fano Gam10
Sun 16.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Paganese 2-1 Giulianova Gam10
Sun 16.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Perugia 0-2 Catanzaro Gam10
Sun 16.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Vibonese 0-1 Ebolitana Gam10
Sun 16.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Vigor Lamezia 2-2 Gavorrano Gam10
Girone A
Sun 16.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Alessandria 1-4 Treviso Gam8
Girone B
Sat 22.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Melfi 2-0 Giulianova Gam11
Girone A
Sun 23.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Borgo a Buggiano 2-0 Bellaria Igea Gam9
Sun 23.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Giacomense 0-0 Pro Patria Gam9
Sun 23.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Montichiari 2-3 Casale Gam9
Sun 23.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Renate 4-2 Poggibonsi Gam9
Sun 23.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Sambonifacese 2-0 Lecco Gam9
Sun 23.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Santarcangelo 1-0 Virtus Entella Gam9
Sun 23.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Savona 1-1 Rimini Gam9
Sun 23.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Treviso 1-2 Mantova Gam9
Sun 23.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Valenzana 3-3 Cuneo Gam9
Girone B
Sun 23.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Arzanese 1-4 Vigor Lamezia Gam11
Sun 23.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Catanzaro 3-2 Aprilia Gam11
Sun 23.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Chieti 3-1 Isola Liri Gam11
Sun 23.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Ebolitana 0-1 Milazzo Gam11
Sun 23.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Fano 3-2 Celano Gam11
Sun 23.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Gavorrano 1-1 Paganese Gam11
Sun 23.Oct.2011 - 10:00 L'Aquila 1-0 Aversa Normanna Gam11
Sun 23.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Turris Neapolis 3-3 Campobasso Gam11
Sun 23.Oct.2011 - 10:00 Vibonese 1-1 Perugia Gam11
Girone A
Sun 23.Oct.2011 - 10:00 San Marino Calcio 1-1 Alessandria Gam9

Lega Pro 2 - 2011/2012

  • 100% 820 / 820 Games

  • Home team wins 44.27%
  • Draws 29.88%
  • Away team wins 25.85%
  • Over 1.5 69.39%
  • Over 2.5 42.8%
  • Over 3.5 22.56%
  • Goals 1977
  • Goals /match 2.41
  • Goals /match home 1.35
  • Goals /match away 1.06
  • Both teams score 49.63%
  • Goals after 80' 1.37%
View all

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