Faced with all the cautious process adopted because of the coronavirus pandemic, England is gradually coordinating the reopening of several segments that contribute to the country's economy, including the gambling and betting industries. Bookmakers are scheduled to reopen on April 12, while casinos will have to wait a little longer, reopening on May 17.
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All physical gaming and betting environments in England have been closed since the first week of the year, when there was a third blockade, closing several sectors of commerce in the country.
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Boris Johnson, the country's prime minister, confirmed that there is a plan for the gradual opening of trade in the country, but had not mentioned the betting, casinos and bingo sector. The request for the betting industry to open again came from a gaming industry body, called Betting and Gaming (BGC).
The agency issued a note, where he pointed out: “Betting shops must be allowed to reopen alongside other non-essential retail. Last summer, when most betting shops were able to open, they showed that they have best-in-class anti-COVID measures compared to any other part of the high street to protect customers and staff”.
“casinos are eager to help Britain get back on its feet. The night-time economy has taken a hammering during the pandemic and draconian restrictions, including the 10pm curfew, have made a difficult situation more desperate for many businesses”, said the organ.
At first the rules are only valid for England, but UK leaders are already working so that the markets in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland also have greater flexibility in restrictions.
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