In short, a bot is a software that places your bets automatically at betfair, based on if{} conditions.
Making a bot is no more than programming the mathematical conditions that we already use mentally when we are performing a bet or trade.
What is a bot?
- In short, a bot is a software that places your bets automatically at betfair.
When does a bot place its bets?
- It places bets based on if{} conditions.
Basically you're telling the software:
- if this happens {here you can list a series of conditions}
- you do this {here you define the bet to be placed}
An example of a very simple bot to perform the Lay the Draw technique:
If {
- Two teams are balanced, that is, id the odd of both teams is above 2.00
- }
If yes, the bot will do this {
- Bet against the draw
- }
This would be a very simple bot to construct. The bot will analyse all the matches of the day and, on the matches where the set conditions are met, it will place bets.
Now we can also improve our bot by placing extra, more refined conditions.
For instance, we can tell our bot to only work on matches of specific competitions like the Portuguese 1ª Liga or the English Premier League.
So, now that the Lay the Draw technique has been applied, we must have a bet condition to close our trade, we can use for instance:
If {
- When a goal is scored, that is, when the draw odd rises above the initial one
- }
If yes, the bot will {
- Bet backing the draw, at the current market price
- }
Constructing a bot is no more than programming the mathematical conditions that we naturally use on our betting or trading. Mathematical conditions are programmable.
There are, however, some analysis that we perform mentally that we cannot tell a bot to do, he simply cannot perform them:
- If Porto is playing better, if I think that Porto will score a goal on the next 5 minutes, then I bet backing Porto.
A bot cannot do this because I cannot tell a bot how he could see if Porto is playing better than their opponents.
In short, a bot is simply a software that places bets automatically.